Pre-Conference (September 4th, 2023)

DevSecOps Adoption: Lessons from the Past

"Security, Security, Security!" is a new "Developers, Developers, Developers!" in our World where most of the day-to-day processes are digitised. "DevSecOps is the practice of integrating security testing at every stage of the software development process." (c) Amazon AWS

We got the right term and idea of mixing DEVelopers, SECurity, and OPerationS to deliver secure applications with minimum friction. However, it's a big cultural, technical, and organisational shift to which different companies adapt at a different paces.
The good news is - we've been here before. We went through a few big adoptions in the last 20+ years - Digital Transformations, Cloud, DevOps, Microservices, SRE to name a few.

So, what we can learn from the past?

In this talk, I'll go through my experience related to DevOps and Agile adoptions which are quite different BUT turned out to have a lot in common when looking at the big picture! I will distill the key moments that helped to push both over the line.
From there we can look at the current state of DevSecOps, what we can do now, what to keep an eye on and what are the missing pieces.


Cloud Native Summit - Dmitry Pokidov

Dmitry Pokidov

Loves to solve Business problems with Awesome People & Tech @ Kasna!

Hello There, I like to call myself a software engineer who went through a few "generations" of application development and has ~~strong~~flexible opinions about things, like Cloud architecture, Monolith / Microservices / Serverless, Programming Languages, Infrastructure as Code, and more!

I have been writing code for almost 20 years and realized, not that long ago, that sometimes you better talk before code. More often you are better to talk long before thinking about code. It saves you some nerve cells, and 💵 for your employee.

Once realized this, quickly became a Principal Engineer in the great Company of great People whom I can learn from! And now I'm desperate to share the learnings with the World!

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DIAMOND & CNS-2023 Co-Host

  • Palo Alto Networks - Cloud Native New Zealand


  • Sysdig - Cloud Native Summit
  • MongoDB - Cloud Native Summit
  • Red Hat - Cloud Native Summit
  • Portworx - Cloud Native Summit
  • Control Plane - Cloud Native Summit

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  • Deloitte - Cloud Native Summit

Diversity Supporter

  • CNCF- Cloud Native Summit

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  • Spark NZ - Cloud Native Summit
  • Section6 - Cloud Native Summit
  • Tetrate - Cloud Native Summit

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