Main Conference (September 5th, 2023)

Orders of magnitude

Cloud-native technology strategies for global scale.

A clear cloud-native technology strategy, based in reality, with buy-in from engineering leaders, and understood by all, can drive truly global business expansion. In this talk Cloud consultant Daniel Larsen (ex-Microsoft) will provide tips for improving your technology strategy, to unlock additional value and growth for the entire business.

- Orders of magnitude and operating ranges.
- Can't scale, can't sell.
- Mission drives Strategy drives Products.
- The Netflix trap and the multi-cloud myth. Scale the monolith.
- Be a partner, not a customer. Commercial agreements inform strategy.
- Map requirements to features and seek investment.
- Trade infrastructure cost for engineering effort.
- Bringing it all together: CTO-level Technology Strategy.
- Enabling constraints.
- Good old service oriented architecture.
- Finally: Get out of New Zealand.


Cloud Native Summit - Daniel Larsen

Daniel Larsen

Principal Consultant - Cloud Architect

I'm an experienced cloud architect and engineer, previously at Microsoft, now an independent consultant. For the past seven years I have co-led cloud architecture practices for Azure Engineering, with a focus on cloud-native deployments.

I am a strong advocate and ally for diversity and inclusion in Technology companies, with a focus on Te Tiriti o Waitangi and true partnership with Māori.

I am deeply involved in the developer and communities in Auckland, having co-led the Azure Lunch Meetup for years. I have been a regular speaker at meetups and conferences, including scale conf.

Thank you to our sponsors

Our sponsors play a key role in supporting the conference and our community.

DIAMOND & CNS-2023 Co-Host

  • Palo Alto Networks - Cloud Native New Zealand


  • Sysdig - Cloud Native Summit
  • MongoDB - Cloud Native Summit
  • Red Hat - Cloud Native Summit
  • Portworx - Cloud Native Summit
  • Control Plane - Cloud Native Summit

Main Diversity Supporter

  • Deloitte - Cloud Native Summit

Diversity Supporter

  • CNCF- Cloud Native Summit

In-kind Supporter

  • Spark NZ - Cloud Native Summit
  • Section6 - Cloud Native Summit
  • Tetrate - Cloud Native Summit

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  • - Cloud Native Summit
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