Main Conference (August 5th, 2022)
State of Kubernetes 2022
“By 2023, more than 500million digital applications and services will be developed using cloud-native (Kubernetes) approaches” - IDC , Research Inc.
Earlier this year VMware completed a study which included insights from 357 software development and IT professionals globally on the current state of Kubernetes.
In this presentation we will cover the findings of this report which includes the extent to which businesses are currently using Kubernetes, the benefits they’re seeing but also the challenges they are encountering.
We will replicate the global study for a smaller scale New Zealand group to compare if global trends match those seen here. Using the questions from the global survey we will replicate the report with a New Zealand only focus. This will allow us to compare local trends to those seen in the global report, as well as discuss unique challenges for our market.
The local survey will be shared in our extensive networks and we will use New Zealand based Cloud Technology interest groups to help widen the reach.
Finally we will touch on one of the re-occurring themes globally as well as locally when trying to adopt cloud native technology; the culture challenge. According to Forbes, 84% of digital transformation projects fail as organisations attempt to adopt the technology. One of the reasons is that organisations try to address structure and agile rituals whilst missing the important work of changing the culture.